

Tips for Living in Nanning

PublishTime:2015-12-02 Hits:
Green City of Southern China


Post Office  邮局 you ju                                               
There are many post offices (China Post)around town form which you can         
mail locally and internationally.
Local phone calls, long distance phone calls and International phone calls can       
be made from most small public phones shops. The price of making a phone call     
to most countries is visible on the wall of those shops. 
Banks  银行 ying hang                                                              
The Bank of China (中国银行) offices is on 民族大道(Minzu Dadao)and       
古城路(Gucheng Lu)will accept credit cards for cash, and most branches        
will cash travelers cheques. Any other branch of the Bank of China can exchange   
U.S. cash. The current exchange rate is about 7.8 yuan to 1 U.S. dollar.           
Remember to bring your passport. (  )                                       
1yuan (also called kuai) = 10 jiao (also called mao) = 100 fen                    


Taxis are at a base rate of 7 yuan, and charge 1.6 yuan per kilometer. Always pay extra 1 kuai
for fuel surcharge. Buses are 1.2 kuai per person (expect the air conditioned ones which are 2 kuai)
and route map in Chinese are available at bus stop. Nanning has four main intercity bus stations. 埌东站(lang dong zhan)is
the biggest one for almost all the different travel destinations. Tickets can be purchased at the station or at the ticket office
on 华东路 (hua hong lu) or any branch office of Bank of Communication. Most destinations have 直达快班
(zhi da kuai ban)which are air-conditioned express buses with on-board movies and service.
Train Station Info


For train travel, one-way and return-trip tickets can be purchased at the Nanning Train Station- 火车站–at the ticket room on the east end of the station (to the far right). Some hotels provide the ticket reservation service also. For long distance travel farther than 1000 km, purchase the ticket at least three days before the departure date.
 Tel: 2222222
Tickets range in price depending on the following:
   Hard Seat (best for shorter distances)       硬座
   Hard Sleeper (6 people in an open birth)    硬卧
   Soft Sleeper (4 people in a closed room)    软卧
Airport Info


The Nanning Airport is located about one hour southwest of Nanning and shuttles are available to and from the Yin He Hotel, which is close to Nanning Train Station, for 15 yuan per person(Most major hotels also have their own free airport shuttle for guests). A taxi from the airport to GXTCMU should cost 80 yuan.
The China International Travel Service (CITS) is helpful for making travel reservations, and when ordering plane tickets for a group from CITS within China, you must get all the names of your party as they appear on their passports along with passport numbers and countries.
Reserved seats on connecting or return flights must be reconfirmed 48 hours before departure or they will be automatically cancelled. Also the check-in counter closes 30 min before departure, so it’s a good idea to arrive at the airport one and a half hours before your flight.
Weight limits apply on domestic flights:
  1st class-40kg       business class-30kg     economy class-20kg
  Carry-on limit 20 40 55cm, total weight not to exceed 5kg
Over-baggage charges vary according to your destination, for example:
  Nanning to Beijing 25 yuan per kg
  Nanning to Guangzhou 9 yuan per kg
  Nanning to Kumming 8 yuan per kg


南城百货 Nancheng Department Store, chain of supermarkets. Best place to buy food, plus everything from electrical appliances to cleaning supplies, because there is a big one closed to GXTCMU. Take Bus 206 at the front gate.
百货大楼 Nanning Department Stores(new and old), are next to each other on Chaoyang Road (朝阳路). The basement floor has a big household appliance shop.
万达商业广场Wanda Shopping Mall, with a movie theater and a Walmart Shopping Center on its 2nd and 3rd floor.
梦之岛 Dream Island is a fancy department store with a food street on its 5th floor and a big supermarket on its basement.
步行街 Walking Street with lots of famous brands
交易场 A busy wholesale market with fun stuff. 2nd floor has lots of inexpensive gifts. An interesting cultural experience!
裕丰商场 A great bustling market, particularly good for girls.
和平商场 Cheapest clothes in town.
花鸟市场 Bird and Flower Markets which are great place to buy inexpensive gifts and look at plants and pets.
文物商店 Antique shop at the gate of Minorities Relic Museum,50m away from Dream Island, good place to purchase souvenirs, especially minority crafts.
新华书店(书城) Train bookstore all over China, with English books on the 4th floor.
南国书店 Nan-guo Bookstore, big train bookstore which you can order books
文化市场The Culture Market-computer games ,an arcade,VCDs, CDs,and software.
广西图书市场 Guangxi Book Market, the biggest publication market of Guangxi which you with whole sale price. Take Bus 206 and get off at 五象广场(Five Elephant Square).
电子科技广场 The ePlaza, the biggest computer mall in Guangxi.


人民公园 The Peoples Park is a beautiful place with goldfish, lakes, bridges and a playground.
南湖公园 Very scenic park with a nice long lake. Electric boats are available.
青秀山 a suburban park on the river bank with beautiful hilly scenery and pagodas and Buddhist nunnery.
药用植物园 Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant, Open time: 8:00-18:00, Tel: 5611352


Westerner likes to go to have a party in holidays such as Christmas and New Year in these following hotels.
明园新都 Ming Yuan Majestic Hotel, with a nice buffet restaurant.
南宁饭店 Nanning Hotel, 4-star
邕江宾馆 Yong Jiang Hotel, 4-star
沃顿国际大酒店 Walton International Hotel
银河饭店 Yin He Hotel, the terminus of the airport bus夏威夷国际大酒店 Hawaii International Hotel


南宁动物园Nanning Zoo
民族文物苑Minorities Relic Museum
区图书馆Gunagxi Provincial Library,
市图书馆Nanning City library, on Xingguang Road (星光大道)
区体育场Nanning Opera
区展览馆Exhibition Center .Good place to shop for furniture, or just browse.
电信大楼Telecommunications Building. Come here to set up an internet account with China Telecom.
卡迪赛车俱乐部Indoor go-cart racing with lots of exciting twists and turns. Cheap times are weekdays 4-6pm.
区人民会堂The people’s Conference Hall-has a large plaza and fountain where people fly kites, and dance at night.
会展中心 Exhibition Hall
五象广场 Five Elephant Square, the center of CBD with a big underground supermarket.
香草堂茶馆A traditional Chinese tea house with live cultural music and tea ceremonies.
保龄球Nanning has many bowling alleys which provide a nice, fun ,family atmosphere.
市公安局City Public Security Bureau(PSB)-visas, passports, address changes and other official business.
九曲湾温泉 Hotspring
嘉和城温泉谷 Jia He City Hotspring, with large swimming poor and other good establishment and very good services.
Colleges and Universities
广西中医学院(Guǎngxī)Guanxi Traditional Chinese Medical University(GXTCMU), with a nice botanic garden of herbal medicine.
广西师范学院(Guǎngxī)Guangxi Teachers’ Collage, the neighbor of GXTXMU, a good place to study Chinese.Phone:313-2288
广西艺术学院(Guǎngxī Yishu Xueyuan)Guangxi Art University (on 教育路 jiaoyu lu) is a great place for a nice walk in its campus with an art gallery.
Guest house phone: 532-8661
广西大学(Guǎngxī)Guangxi University, the biggest university of Guangxi
广西民族大学(Guǎngxī)Guangxi Nationalities University, famous for its southeast Asian language programs.


中医一附院The First Affiliated Hospital of GXTCMU, the best and professional TCM hospital in Guangxi, located on 园湖路(Yuanhu Road).Take Bus 206 on the front gate of GXTCMU.
瑞康医院 Rui Kang Hospital, the second affiliated hospital of GXTCMU, is famous for its integration of Chinese and western medicine. Take Bus 606 on the opposite side of the road of front gate of GXTCMU.
广西区防疫站 Guangxi Epidemic Prevention Station


南宁饭店食街Nanning Hotel Food Street-great food with windows where you can point to what you want .
紫云轩Food street of Ming-yuan Majestic Hotel
老成都Spicy Sichuan restaurant
大东北饺子Great dumpling variety, close to No. 2 Hospital
新汉斯自酿啤酒城The New Hans Beer Pub Restaurant
阳光城Yong-jiang Hotel Sunshine City Restaurant-good atmosphere.
桂林仔Guilin specialty food at 4 locations
红星西餐厅The Red Star Cafe –burritos ,burgers ,and pizza. Nice atmosphere, almost western food.
牵牛花风味园 “Morning Glory Restaurant”-great Chinese food and lots of tables .
美丽华冰城Taiwan food ,English menu
肯德基Kentucky Fried Chicken –the real thing.
麦当劳McDonalds –now 4 locations
德克士炸鸡Dico’s Fried Chicken, western fast food like those in KFC and McDonalds
明园新都饭店花园餐厅The Majestic Hotel’s Garden Restaurant –best western food in town ,but a bit on the expensive side.Be sure to try the pizza.
郭大姐美食店Good Chinese food at great prices ,near the Guangxi Education College.
雨石阁 (Rainy Stone)Sean says good atmosphere, 4 locations in town
快餐Chinese fast food places are all over town-very cheap


Not too oily: 不要太油腻;  No MSG:不要放味精;
I don’t want it spicy:不要辣的.
宫保鸡丁- fried chicken with peanuts and vegetables
腰果鸡丁- cashew chicken
柠檬鸭- lemon duck(famous local dishes)
番茄炒蛋- tomato and eggs (yum!)
葱花炒蛋- scrambled eggs with shallot
韭黄炒蛋- scrambled eggs with leek
扬州炒饭- Yangzhou fried rice (with chopped pork, ham and egg)
碎肉玉米- corn with chopped meat
炒时菜- good grean vegetable (seasonal)
时菜肉片-seasonal vegetable with pork pieces
铁板牛肉- sizzling beef served on a piece of hot iron
糖醋里脊- sweat and sour pork
麻辣豆腐- spicy tofu (bean curd)
日本豆腐- Japanese tofu
菊花鱼- Chrysanthemun fish – sweet, sour, and delicious
茄子煲-a tasty eggplant dish (oily)
碎肉炒重阳笋- bamboo shoots with chopped pork
蒜蓉炒西兰花 –fried broccoli with garilic
凉拌三丝- a cold spicy salad in Northern restaurants
炒粉- stir-fried rice noodles
炒面- stir-fried wheat noodles
老友粉-a local favorite spicy noodle dish
卷筒粉-a flat, meat-filled, rolled up rice noodle with gravy
桂林米粉- a nice cheep bowl of rice noodles from Guilin
Other Delicious Foods
饺子(jiǎo zǐ)- dumplings (a favorite among westerners)
包子(bao zi)- large puffy steamed stuffed buns
油炸小馒头()-small fried steamed buns eat with condensed milk
小笼包(xiao long bao)- small steamed buns stuffed with pork
春卷(chun juan)- spring rolls
南瓜饼(nangua bing)-sticky rice pumkin cakes ( really good!)
粽子(zòng zi)- pyramid-shaped sticky rice and pork wrapped in reed leaves
Pinyin Pronunciation Guide


Tones – Syllables in Mandarin Chinese have four tones which affect the meaning
of words, so they are very important.
 1st Tone (high level) spoken high and neither rises or falls
 2nd Tone (rising) starts low and ends high (like English “huh?”)
 3rd Tone (falling-rising) dips down and then rises
 4th Tone (falling) starts high and ends low (like English “No!”)
 Consonants and Vowels – A lot of pinyin letters are pronounced almost the same
 as they are in English, with the following exceptions:
 i - like ee in “bee”(after c, s, z, ch, zh, r – like e in “here”)
 o - like aw in “saw”       ou - like ou in “soul”
 ian – like “yen”          ui - like “way”
 ei - like ay in “day”       c - like ts in “nuts”
 q - like ch in “cheap”      r- like r with your tongue rolled back
 x- like sh in “sheep”       z - like ds in “lids”
 zh - like j in “jug”         g- always like g in “give”


Useful Phrases
nǐ hǎo
xiè xie
duìbu qǐ
zài nǎ lǐ
nán/ nǚ
Zài jiàn
Hello, good morning, etc
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Where is …
I’d like…
I don’t understand.
How much is it?
Where are the toilets?
Men/women (toilet)
Please, help me.
Bring me the bill.
Excuse me, …
Do you speak English?
Please take me to…
Turn left/right.
Stop here.
Good bye!